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martes, 22 de enero de 2019

5th text comentary. Dídac Aguilar

Apple sells are sinking the global economy

On thursday 4th, Wall street shut down it's day with a 10% less in her economy balance, and the fault was from Apple. They have afirmed that they are not selling that much of technology they thought.
They also said that they have lost a big amont of money for not selling their products, wich resulted the fall of the entire american shock exchange. There's also the fact that even amazon did better than Apple, even microsoft had a better balance.

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scientific scope

Text comentary
This report shows that Appple is tarting to fall from the top due to it's expensive products, wich not all can afford, this leaves space to brands that are cheap but also have as good or better products than Apple, like Huawei or Shiaomi. In conclusion, Apple is losing it's territory and it has to react as fast as they can

Pòster The Martian. Per Didac Aguilar i Amós Garcia


domingo, 20 de enero de 2019



The greatest threat of climate change is at sea


The news talks about how climate change is reflected in the sea. To that end the news explains the seriousness of what is happening in all the oceans of the world, what can happen and how we can avoid this natural disaster for which we are responsible.

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Scientific scope



The subject of this news did not contain a very specific vocabulary that I did not understand.

Text commentary 

I have chosen this news because climate change is a serious problem that affects the whole world and is increasing day by day. Sometimes it may be that not all the serious consequences of this problem are perceived, so that the need to act is not felt. Precisely, the news seems especially important to me, because it tells us how climate change affects very distant regions in a particularly dramatic way. For example, the increase in temperature increases the risk of a rise in sea level, a situation that can be aggravated by the associated phenomenon of glacier loss and ice accumulations in Antarctica and Greenland. This situation may result in the displacement of millions of people from their homes as a result of the flooding of cities and farming areas near the coast.

As I said the news refers, specifically, the effects of climate change on the oceans, but I think that alerts on a situation that affects the entire planet in general.

In my opinion, this kind of news brings knowledge to society about the existence of concrete and serious problems from a scientific point of view. This is news that should serve to make the population aware of the knowledge of the terrible consequences of climate change around the world. Maybe this way you can get a social mobilization that serves to start respecting the environment for the benefit of all.

5th TEXT COMMENTARY: Cats and their reputation - Esther Salvador

Cats Are Not Inherently Antisocial Creatures. It’s Just You

It is said cats are antisocial, haughty and self-contained animals. But it is not true, studies show it is just a false reputation. After doing an experiment with some cats and people behaving differently in front of them, it has been studied that cats can detect human attentional state and change their behaviour in response. This is prove then, that cats are sensitive to us human.
The main experiment consisted in putting people and some cats in the same room. In the first part of the experiment the person had to ignore the cats. The second part of the experiment included petting and people known by the cats (their owners). This experiment showed how cats spent way more time near the people who petted them and their owners than with the people who ignored them. They seeked attention.
Also, it is known by previous observations that cats prefer spending time interacting with people than playing with their toys or eating their food. Plus they are becoming more and more domestical. All of this proves us that cats are not haughty nor stand-offish animals. It's just a label we have been putting on them all this time.
It is also true, though, that their reputation won't go away anytime soon.


18th January, 2019


Cats have a reputation for being stand-offish animals. But they shouldn't have such a reputation since its a lie they are like that.
We tend to label every single animal and nature in general with a name and a way of behaving. But is it the correct thing to do? It probably is. If we didn't we couldn't learn about them. Then, the problem doesn't lie in the name or the classification by behaviour, the problem lies in us and in our instinct.
Why do cats have such a reputation? It's probably because of the way they are phisicaly. By nature we tend to run away or protect ourselves from sharp objects. We tend to be afraid from tricky things or situations. Knowing this, it is natural and you can understand why we classify cats as haughty animals then. They have a slender figure (most of them do). Their head, their ears, their eyes are sharp, the body and the elegant way they move are slender and cautious. It's almost as if they were saying to be cautious, to stay away in an instinct way of thinking. Also their paws are really tricky. At first sight they are really soft, but then they take out their sharp claws. All in them is mysterious and sharp. For our instinct it's a caution sign.
I think it's normal to think they are haughty and distant if we were basing everything in our instinct. But we have science. We can observe a behaviour and take conclusions. We shouldn't get carried away by rumors or by our instinct alone. We can think, search, learn. We must develop that which distinguishes us, that which make us human; which is not the instinct, but the reasoning. So we should stop thinking cats are the way most of the people think they are. We must do some research about them and then take conclusions. Studies have already proved they are not the way their reputation say they are, so let's wipe out this reputation and make a new one by changing our way of thinking.

None needed

viernes, 18 de enero de 2019

Notícia 05: Dona desenvolupa la alèrgia als fruits secs del seu donant - Víctor García

- Heading: 
A woman who received a lung transplant 
developed peanut allergy from her donor

- Summary:
    Although organs donations are the best thing to do if possible, they have shown in particular cases like this, to bring along with them some preferences of their donors.
    A non-unique case happened to a 53-years old woman who recently received a transplanted lung form a 22-years old man. The woman received the life-saving lung transplant from a who suffered a peanut allergy, but what she didn't know, was that the lung didn't came alone, it came with the peanut allergy from its donor.

    The woman, after eating a peanut butter and jam sandwich, started to have breathing difficulties, just like the ones peanut-allergic people have with their allergy attacks. She didn't present any skin rashing nor stomach aches. She was diagnosed allergic to peanuts.
Doctors say that not all organ donations bring along with them the allergies of the donors, they haven't figured out any explanations. They say that these cases are only particular cases with no explanations yet.

- Link or reference:
- Publication date: January 2nd 2019
- Scientific field: Health
- Glossary:
None needed

- Text commentary:
    I chose to comment this new because it makes me feel intrigued about how unknown is still the human body to us. It talks about a woman who received a lung transplant and inherited the peanut allergy from its donor. The woman never had shown any allergy signs to peanuts nor almonds. The doctors cannot figure out any explanation to this woman case nor other particular cases, like the one of an old man who was given a kiwi allergy along with a bone marrow donation from his sister.

    This may only happen in different but isolated cases, but it represents a dangerous condition as the receiver may not know if they have a new allergy or not. As it only represents a very little percentage of the total organ transplants cases, the possibilities are very few.

Pòster "The Martian" - Esther Salvador i Víctor García

The Martian-Lidia Richard Juan