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domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

12th TEXT COMMENTARY: Social or emotional solitaire? The health of one of the two is in danger

Social or emotional solitaire? The health of one of the two is in danger
The news explains how the problem of loneliness seriously affects a considerable number of people in our country. Doctors who treat the consequences of this situation distinguish between social and emotional loneliness. The news makes a very clear distinction between these two types of solitude. Emotional loneliness is the traditional one suffered by people affected by a loss or a similar emotional situation. This is the specific case of elderly people who often lose their loved ones which puts them in a situation of loneliness that can lead to a problem or psychological affectation that can affect their health. Social loneliness is a new phenomenon that affects people of any age, including children, and has appeared in recent years by the use of the Internet and social networks that can produce the effect of a lack of real human relationships that lead to feelings of loneliness The consequence of this kind of state of mind can be really serious, since affected people can develop diseases that can affect public health.

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Scientific scope 


The subject of this news did not contain a very specific vocabulary that I did not understand.

Text commentary 

The news is about loneliness and all the problems and diseases that people who suffer from it can develop. This is so as humans are social beings that we need to be part of a group in which to develop ties that allow us to progress individually. However, today's society develops aggressive and very demanding behaviors regarding work and personal behaviors that determine that individuals still surrounded by people are, in reality, alone emotionally most of the time.  

Indeed, it may seem, seen from the outside, that currently people live in an open society in which they interact with other people 24 hours a day through new communication technologies. But, when it is observed in more detail, it is perceived that people do not really have the friends they seem to have and who, in reality, live in solitude. Virtual friends may be used to comment, to share images or perhaps to be with them at a certain time. Now, it may be that when a person needs some attention there is no one at his side. In a recent study he concluded that what youth fear most is loneliness. It's weird, since theoretically "you're never alone".

Finally, I want to highlight the reasons that have led me to choose this news. First, because of the importance it can have, especially for young people who, surprisingly, can suffer from loneliness. It is necessary to look for solutions to this problem because, probably, this is a problem for which there is no concern in the educational centers. I think it would be important to take into account the feelings of students on this issue at different ages in order to detect problems of loneliness and depression that can cause serious harm to children. Secondly, we must also attend to the other population group especially affected by this problem, which are the elderly, especially those who live without any company. To this end, activities should be supported, for example, such as promoting activities for this kind of people, such as singing, dancing, playing, either in municipal centers or in nursing homes.

In my opinion, I think it is a much more serious problem than it seems. There should be much more information and prevention on this issue. A long-term goal would be to make anyone in this life feel lonely. It is very difficult, I know, but it is time to start creating organizations that can promote campaigns, activities and studies of all kinds that can solve this serious situation. Finally, to say that it is also time for any "little person" to stop looking at the mobile screen and begin to observe and relate to the people around them. A hello, a few good days or a thank you, would be very good to start. In that moment you will realize that people are not on a screen but by your side.

12th TEXT COMMENTARY: Playing Pokemon as a kid changes the organization of the information in your brain - Esther Salvador

Playing Pokémon As A Kid Has An Incredible Effect On Your Brain

There are a high amount of people that can't remember a few faces or names but can remember hundreds of Pokemon. After some research it has been discovered that if you played hours and hours of Pokemon as a kid, your brain develops a region behing your ears (in the occipitotemporal sulcus) specialized in Pokemon that stays even when you grow up. This region only processes Pokemon related information. The researchers don't know the use of it, but they can see that the response of the brain when seeing a Pokemon is similar to the response of it when it sees an animal or a cartoon. They think that the reason behind it having a special region is that the brain sees Pokemon as a separate form of information since it's pixelated inside a screen you have on your hands (a special information).
Thanks to this research it's easier to see how the brain organizes visual information and how it changes when it's childhood experienced. After comparing the brain of a person that didn't play Pokemon as a kid and the brain of a person who did play it, it has been shown that when seeing  an image of a Pokemon the brain of the person that played Pokemon as a kid had more activity in the occipitotemporal sulcus than the other, while it had the same response on other images.
After some research it seems that this kind of response is common in every person who have spent hours of their lives learning skills such as sports or playing instruments.


7th of May, 2019


I think this is a curious response of the brain. If you spend a huge amount of time on something giving your full atention to it, your brain thinks it is important and that it's needed in your life to live, so it gives a region dedicated only to it. At the start, the text says that there are a lot of people who can't remember names from presidents, and the reason for it is clear now: your brain doesn't think it's relevant for your life.
So, what can we take from all of this? The way schools teach is wrong (or at least it's not completely right). The person who is learning won't learn unless they think it is important for their lives. If the brain processes the information as relevant, the information will remain, while if it thinks the information it's irrelevant your brain won't remember but memorize and then erase that information.
The result of an exam may be positive, but if a month after the exam that person can't remember the information examined, then it is completely useless and a waste of time. So what should be done? The students shouldn't only learn a specific information, they should learn that learning it it's important and relevant and that they aren't studying because they must not fail the exam but because they need that information. This way the brain doesn't memorize but learn, and the information remains, or at least doesn't get completely erased.

None needed

12th text commentary:NASA and their ideas

NASA and their ideas.
Summary: NASA has receiber more money to achieve the mission "artemis" in 2024. This missin involves traveling to the moon to sty there, to start living in that planet. It is also the first mission NASA will do with a women on board. This mission wants also to motivate other people to try send live to the  moon or mars. The intencion is clear, we want to live there, end at the moment, let's see how it goes.

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Date: 15/5/19

Scientific scope: Technology, aerospacial engineering.

11th text commentary: Folding Tv's arrived at our town

Folding Tv's have arrived at our town:
Summary: This amazing Tv developed by Lg is catching our eye, how in the world can you fold a
Tv you may ask? Technicaly is not tat hard. Lg has been improving OLED displays from such a long time, and one day decided to make this OLED stripes flexible, so the dificult part was to secure the LED's so they dont' fall anfd the mechanism so it doen't brake. Up to this moment Lg has show their attention to detail makint the Tv have 3 modes where the Tv is fully closed and you can use the module to put music, the other is a mid extended screen where it outputs several information, and the last one is the fully extended so you can see that amazing disply. All the people is expecting more things like this from Lg, let's see if they don't fail us.

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Date: 1/12/19

Scientific scope: Technologic

10th text commentary: America strikes China

America strikes China.
Summary: Donald Trump has put a ban to huawei, wich involves using google cervices, such their operative system or even google searcher. This makes such a big problem to huawei because they use google operative system a lot, but we expect no less to huawei to come up with a new os capable of amazing things, because as always, Huawei has a great reputacion at developing good looking phones and os.

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Date: 21/5/19

Scientific scope: Technologic, economic.

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Notícia 12: Apliquen l'Eutanàsia a un gos sa per a que descansi amb el seu amo - Victor Garcia

- Heading:

Healthy Dog Gets Euthanized So It Can 

Be Laid To Rest With Its Owner

- Summary:
    Even in the ancient history of humanity, pets would be buried along with their owners when they died (didn't matter if the animal was healthy or not). Weeks ago in Richmond, Virginia, the owner of Emma, a healthy dog, explicitly wrote in his will to be cremated along with his pet when he died.

    The owner died, and then, Emma was taken to a shelter. There were protests along with the whole procedure, but they couldn't do anything to the fact that the dog was going to get killed. The protesters proposed the alternative to get Emma to another home and family, she didn't have to die.

    Euthanizing animals is legal in the state of Virginia, and can be performed by licensed veterinarians, animal control officers, humane investigators, and certified euthanasia technicians. However, vets don't usually want to end the life of a healthy pet. Despite this, the executor found a vet that euthanized Emma.

- Link or reference:
- Publication date: May 23rd 2019
- Scientific field: Animals
- Glossary:
None needed

- Text commentary:
    I chose to comment this new because it makes me feel worried about how selfish can be a human being with creatures of a different species or even the same. Humans have always used animals for their own sake. Despite this, some animals, like dogs and cats, have been petted by us since old times and we have had them in our houses and we treated them like family.

    I have a pet in my house, so when I firstly read the title, I entered quickly to know about this new. The fact that they got euthanasia to a healthy dog made my nerves boil. The dog could have lived a long life even without its owner, besides I personally don't think that the owner would have truly liked to kill the dog just because he died. He may had another reasons. Maybe he couldn't find another family to take care of Emma or he didn't trust what the other humans could do to her when he was gone.

lunes, 13 de mayo de 2019

11th TEXT COMMENTARY: The action of man puts more than a million species on the ropes

The action of man puts more than a million species on the ropes

The news explains the effect caused by the actions of human beings on the environment and, especially, in a very serious way to biodiversity. The emission of gases, pollution and, in general, the lack of respect for the environment are causing a climate change that is having a serious effect on the large natural ecosystems and the species that they inhabit. Scientists investigate the situation and the results they offer are not very optimistic about the situation of the planet in the next decades. The situation is so serious that the studies assure that the very existence of the humankind is in great danger, that the effect of pollution is so serious and the threat of the very existence of a biological environment, the necessary "life support" of nature, that the human being needs.

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Scientific scope 



The subject of this news did not contain a very specific vocabulary that I did not understand.

Text commentary 

The news deals with the serious problem that affects the biodiversity of the planet, which is suffering a rapid deterioration due to the actions of human beings. Naturally the main polluting agents are the big industries, but each one of us can also act to avoid the damage to nature. Indeed, we must think that actions that we carry out every day such as driving a vehicle, using non-recyclable plastic containers that end up in the sea or, even, using deodorants with CO2 gases seriously damage the natural ecosystem. Indeed, if we look at the results of these actions, we will observe that each of them cause very damaging effects in nature, such as the marine fauna that ends up swallowing the plastics that end up killing numerous individuals. The same happens with various species of birds such as seagulls, sparrows or pigeons that end up eating human garbage or, finally, even reptiles are poisoned by the poisonous emissions that pollute the air.

It might seem, seen with coldness, that the lives of animals that are victims of pollution, such as a fish, a sparrow or four lizards, do not matter. However, beyond feelings and values, the truth is that the life of the human being depends absolutely on the existence of the set of living beings. Think only of what would happen if a humble insect like the bee disappeared. The consequences would be catastrophic because the natural fecundation of the flowers would not occur. We could find many more examples.

The problem is that of the unconsciousness of the companies and people who carry out these acts harmful to the environment. It is about millions of people acting without taking into account the damage that their attitude produces in nature. However, it is true that a social awareness is taking place in which governments, NGOs, companies and individual citizens participate or acting in an organized manner to carry out actions of different kinds to try to solve these problems. In this sense, the mentioned news item mentions IPBES, an intergovernmental organization that works on measures to protect the natural space and the species that inhabit it to avoid the loss of biodiversity.

Finally, I want to highlight the reasons that have led me to choose this news. First, because of its importance for treating something as important as the environment. Second, for the lack of real knowledge about the causes and damages that human activity is causing in the environment and, finally and thirdly, the catastrophic effects that the lack of attention and solution of this problem can produce in a future.

In my opinion, I believe that the problem of pollution and its effects on the environment should be dealt with more seriously because of the serious dangers and risks involved in not doing anything about it. However, as I said before, I believe that society is beginning to act to solve this problem that I hope will be solved in a few years. I sincerely hope that it is not too late and we are on time. In any case, it seems clear that the human being must begin to think globally and rectify the actions and behaviors that affect the environment, beginning now to adopt the appropriate solutions and measures to solve the problem. The future of our planet depends on it.