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domingo, 26 de mayo de 2019

12th TEXT COMMENTARY: Playing Pokemon as a kid changes the organization of the information in your brain - Esther Salvador

Playing Pokémon As A Kid Has An Incredible Effect On Your Brain

There are a high amount of people that can't remember a few faces or names but can remember hundreds of Pokemon. After some research it has been discovered that if you played hours and hours of Pokemon as a kid, your brain develops a region behing your ears (in the occipitotemporal sulcus) specialized in Pokemon that stays even when you grow up. This region only processes Pokemon related information. The researchers don't know the use of it, but they can see that the response of the brain when seeing a Pokemon is similar to the response of it when it sees an animal or a cartoon. They think that the reason behind it having a special region is that the brain sees Pokemon as a separate form of information since it's pixelated inside a screen you have on your hands (a special information).
Thanks to this research it's easier to see how the brain organizes visual information and how it changes when it's childhood experienced. After comparing the brain of a person that didn't play Pokemon as a kid and the brain of a person who did play it, it has been shown that when seeing  an image of a Pokemon the brain of the person that played Pokemon as a kid had more activity in the occipitotemporal sulcus than the other, while it had the same response on other images.
After some research it seems that this kind of response is common in every person who have spent hours of their lives learning skills such as sports or playing instruments.


7th of May, 2019


I think this is a curious response of the brain. If you spend a huge amount of time on something giving your full atention to it, your brain thinks it is important and that it's needed in your life to live, so it gives a region dedicated only to it. At the start, the text says that there are a lot of people who can't remember names from presidents, and the reason for it is clear now: your brain doesn't think it's relevant for your life.
So, what can we take from all of this? The way schools teach is wrong (or at least it's not completely right). The person who is learning won't learn unless they think it is important for their lives. If the brain processes the information as relevant, the information will remain, while if it thinks the information it's irrelevant your brain won't remember but memorize and then erase that information.
The result of an exam may be positive, but if a month after the exam that person can't remember the information examined, then it is completely useless and a waste of time. So what should be done? The students shouldn't only learn a specific information, they should learn that learning it it's important and relevant and that they aren't studying because they must not fail the exam but because they need that information. This way the brain doesn't memorize but learn, and the information remains, or at least doesn't get completely erased.

None needed

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