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viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2018

4th TEXT COMMENTARY: Extinction Domino Effect

Runaway Global Warming Could Create An "Extinction Domino Effect" Wiping Out All Life On Earth

Climate change will cause the extinction of most of the life in the planet. The reason is co-extinction. The concept of co-extinction refers to the idea of an organism suffering because of the dissapearence of another it relies on. This lies down to a chain of extinction which would end up affecting all the planet, as some simulations have shown. After simulating 2000 virtual Earth, each with a different enviromental problem, it has been shown that eventhough some more tolerant species would survive the fenomena, the loss of the less tolerant species would bring them down too, annihilating almost all of the life in the planet.
It is known that a 5/6 degree of average global warming change is enough to start this co-extinction. Hopefully the human race could stop this fenomena with renowable energy and avoid the worst case scenario where the Earth and their habitants start the co-extinction.


November 30th, 2018


With this text we can conclude that if we don't do something fast regarding non-renewable energy and climate change, we could start very soon this extinction domino effect, annihilating not just human life, but also most of the planet's life. We should be aware of the damage we are doing to the planet and stop it or, at least, reduce it to a minimum so we can live much longer in a good-condition planet. If we all start using renewable energy and looking out for Earth, we can keep it safe from suffering and from a global extinction.

None needed

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