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jueves, 21 de febrero de 2019

6th text commentary. Google makes it again!!!

Google sells security sistem devices without mentioning the incorporation of microphones on it's products.

Summary: We have confirmed the autenticity of the famous sentence"google hears more that he should do" with the discover of microphones on Nest Secure, a product that acts as a security sistem. 

Although some people think that the microphones may be there to hear sounds so he can know when is people in or out, the majority of the people think that is there to spy the customers, and it doesn't seem that much strange coming from google. There has been more tries from google of trying to sneek into people's houses. Google has said that the microphone is there for a future coming google assistant, but that doesn't make any sense being a security sistem. It would be like asking for the weather to your bacuum.

One thing is certain and is that there's something strange happening with google because of his desperate tries of spying. But we can be completely sure about that, not yet.

Link or reference:

Date: 21/2/19

Scientific scope: Technology

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