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sábado, 2 de marzo de 2019

Notícia 08: S'han trobat contaminants del plàstic en ous de ocells de l'Àrtic - Víctor García

- Heading:

Plastic Contaminants Found Inside Eggs Of

 Seabirds In Remote Arctic Wilderness

- Summary:
    They have found evidences of hormone-disrupting chemicals used in plastic production (named phthalates) within the eggs of northern fulmars (a type of bird which only has 2 species, one for each hemisphere). Now, we can say that footprints of the plastics production factories have arrived to every corner of the wild world, even to a very isolated places, just like the Arctic.

    The scientists have came to the conclusion that these chemicals were ingested by the mother bird. Then, the contaminants made their way to the bird's bloodstream and to the egg.
    These chemicals, interfere with the normal hormonal interaction between the organisms and their environment. They also could originate changes to the reproductive system, deformities and increased rates of infertility.
- Link or reference:
- Publication date: February 18th 2019
- Scientific field: Environment
- Glossary:
    - Phthalates: a type of hormone-disrupting chemicals used in plastic production.
    - Fulmars: a type of bird which only has 2 species, one for each hemisphere. They resemble to seagulls.

- Text commentary:
    I chose to comment this new because it makes me feel interested and worried about how rotten is the world right now, as we the humans have polluted it with our plastics and chemicals. What we need to do is to make sure that everyone knows about this problem.

    Even though the high factories say that there are no proves that the chemicals will affect or harm the eggs, but there are also studies of evidences of these phthalates inside over the 70 % of dolphins in Florida. This should work as an evidence of how great and far-reaching is this problem. It is already tragic that since the very beginning of its development, these birds will have these plastic chemicals inside of them, and that they can't do anything about it.

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