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viernes, 26 de abril de 2019

9th text commentary: Magic gloves let you communicate in sign language

Magic gloves let you communicate in sign language
Summary: This magic creation started with a technology enthusiastic called Roy Allela. With 25 years, he's been able to translate the movements of the tongue from a deaf person into audio. This invention it's pretty useful because you can make a deaf person able to talk in a certain way that they couldn't be able ot without it. It's also really useful in places where sign language isn't much of a thig still and they need it for communication. For example in Kenia, that's where Roy comes from.
Nowadays it's starting to spread really fast this product, and it only just begun. We hope to see more inventions from this genius.

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Date: 06/03/2019

Scientific scope: Technologic

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