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martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018

Notícia 04: Pintures rupestres de mans sense tots els dits

- Heading:
Peculiar Cave Art Suggests Stone Age People Deliberately Chopped Off Their Own Fingers

- Summary:
    It talks about an investigation taking place in different caves around France (The Grotte de Gargas and Cosquer Cave) and some other in Spain too. The subject of investigation are the paintings in the caves. The investigators had been studying those painting and concluded that nearly a half of the hand painting do not have the 5 fingers.

 The investigators came across painting of hands of men, women and also children, so marriage tradition couldn't be the reason why as there are some tribes that make women cut off one finger when they marry. They tried to figure out the reason why they didn't have all the fingers. They explain that the frostbite could have been the responsible of the lacking of fingers, but it was not because if it had there would be way more fingerless paintings.

    Some tribes of Africa and Indonesia have had the tradition of ingesting the chopped fingers in order to bring luck to that person, even their own children. All their explanations are mere hypothesis, and they can be proved wrong.

- Link or reference:
- Publication date: December 3rd 2018
- Scientific field: History
- Glossary:
None needed

- Text commentary:
    I chose this new because it seemed me a very interesting and intriguing one, as it talks about the ancient paintings that are in caves surrounding where we live. Regarding the tradition of lacking some fingers in the hand, I could imagine and accept that they were chopped of because the frostbite Although that, traditions like ingesting some human flesh, I would easily believe that they existed and were the reason that the caves have some fingerless hand paintings.

    All their explanations are mere hypothesis, and they can be proved wrong, with just some other investigation with paintings in some other caves. Personally, I wouldn't imagine how they would voluntarily go through that pain of being cut a finger off, they would continually be bleeding and suffering as they would not have the facilities stop that bleeding and they could eventually die. 

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