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lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019

8th text commentary: Easy way to distract children

Smartphones are the new "drug" for children

Summary: Long time ago, screens weren't invented and people had to search creative ways so they wouldn't be bored. But nowadays, it's impossible to get bored.
At this moment we have netflix, HBO, youtube, instagram, videogames, etc. And the problem is that this way of living is going to children. 
There are already studies that say that a child that waste time looking on tablets or phones, aren't as sociable as other kids, and they have said that is gaining percentage of the population really fast.
For some people might sound ok, but the problem comes when we don't have these things to satisfy us. Some people get agressive and aren't able to live without it, others are fine, and there's also some that do want it but they can live ok for a certain ammount of time without it.

If we are at this point in 2019, we better not continue in this way.

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Date: 19/12/18

Scientific scope: Technologic

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