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sábado, 30 de marzo de 2019

9th TEXT COMMENTARY: Can cats and dogs eat a plant-based diet? - Esther Salvador

A Worrying Number Of Vegans Make Their Pets Eat A Vegan Diet

The amount of vegan people is increasing, and it seems that there are a really large amount of this group that force they diets onto their pets. It has been found that a little percentage of dogs and cats are being fed an only plant-based diet. Eventhough the percentage is small, there are a lot of this animals, making the small percentage a big amount of pets that are fed with only plant-based food. And there are a near to 50% of the people that said they would feed their pets a vegan diet if it met their nutritional needs.
As dogs and cats come from wolfs and wildcats, we can say that their metabolism is similar. Eventhough that's true for cats, it isn't completely for dogs. Cats are carnivore animals, if they eat an only plant diet they will end up dying from malnutrition. Dogs, on the other hand, have evolved and eventhough they are basically carnivore, they can digest starch, found in crops such as potatoes, wheat, corn, and rice.
Although dogs can eat plants there are studies that prove that plant-based dog foods don't contain the suitable amount of amino acid content. A large amount of vegetarian dogs in Europe where found with a deficiency of protein, essential amino acids, calcium, zinc, vitamin D and vitamin B12. As dogs require two types of amino acids (L-carnitine and taurine) and those are really hard to obtain from a plant-based diet, we can say that eventhough dogs can diggest plants, it is not enough for them to live an appropiate life.


March 21st, 2019


A human being vegan is not a big deal since we are omnivores and have enough eating an only plant-based diet. I can understand their love for animals and their will to stop killing them, but feeding your pets the same type of diet you eat is something I can't understand and it kind of pisses me off.
Cats and dogs are domestic animals because we made them be that way. They are originally wild animals that eat meat by instinct. What I'm trying to say is that if they weren't "our" pets and they were wild, they would eat only meat.
Each animal eats only what it's necessary for their body, with the exception of humans that nowadays eat more than they should because there's an easy way to get the food (unfortunally not all the people in the world live this kind of life). So if animals eat only what they need to keep their body running and the food they eat it's meat, then, doesn't it means that without meat their body can't work?
Vegans want to avoid eating meat, but there's no way they can stop a lion from hunting and eating some other animal, is there? Then, it's the same for their pets. There's no way they can stop giving their pets the food they need because otherwise they will end up dying from malnutrition.
So following everything that's been said, it's ok if vegans don't want to eat meat, but their pets need it to live. If their pets weren't with them, they would be wild animals and they would eat meat. If they ate meat, they wouldn't try to give them plants to eat as they don't give plants to the lions. So we have to understand that each animal have different bodies and different needs. If they don't want to give their pets meat, then get a herbivore pet, but don't go giving a carnivore pet a plant-based diet. It's like they are killing them.

None needed

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