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sábado, 6 de abril de 2019

Notícia 09: Una dona s'injecta suc de fruita i casi mor

- Heading:

Woman Injects Herself With Fruit Juice And Nearly Dies

- Summary:
    A new case of a self-taken “healthy” treatment happened days ago. A 51-year-old woman injected fruit juice into her bloodstream. It was indeed made of 20 different types of fruits. She developed increased temperature and itchy skin. Later, the doctors found that she had her liver, kidney, heart and lungs damaged because of the juice. The woman is now doing ok, though she needed to be admitted to the intensive care for 5 days.
There are rumors about the fruit juice being better than the sold fruit. These rumors are absolutely false as the vitamins and fibers dwell in the skin and seed of the fruits. Although a portion of juice is easier to ingest, it has a lot more sugars than a piece of fruit and it also has less vitamins. An orange juice has almost the same amount of sugars of a Coca-Cola.

    The organ that suffered the most with the injection of the fruit juice was the liver, as it became overwhelmed with the sugar.
    In conclusion, scientists and doctors are against the injection of fruit juice into the bloodstream, as it will be doing much more harm than good.
- Link or reference:
- Publication date: March 19th 2019
- Scientific field: Health
- Glossary:
None needed

- Text commentary:
    I chose to comment this new because it makes me feel interested and worried about how crazy is the people's mind right now, as they try to get healthy with some original ways that won't really do any good to that person's body.

    There is a study that found that the participants that ate solid fruit had reduced the risk of developing diabetes 2, while the ones who drank fruit juice increased their risk of developing it. There are a lot of professionals that are actively against the injection of fruit juice into the bloodstream.

    Doing this, the 51-years-old woman shows that every person can do something to harm their body, even if they are not trying to. She tried to get more healthy, and instead of that she ended in a hospital for 5 days with her inner organs damaged.

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