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domingo, 12 de mayo de 2019

11th TEXT COMMENTARY: A drone made to deliver human organs - Esther Salvador

A Donor Organ Has Been Delivered By Drone For The First Time

There are lot of people that need an organ transplant. For it to happen it's necessary for a person to die. The match for blood type, body size and immune system proteins called HLA antigens it's very important, but the distance between the donator and the one receiving it's even more important. Heart and lungs can survive outside of the body for 4-6 hours, and kidneys for 48 hours. Eventhough for kidneys the time of survival is longer, the transport of the organs must be fast or the organ becomes useless. When transporting organs, be it by air or be it by wheels, there are times when delays are unavoidable. Since organs are so precious it's really important to avoid losing them. For that reason an organ transporting dron has been designed.
The dron makes sure the organ arrives in perfect condition by keeping the perfect temperature, barometric pressure, altitude, vibration and providing location. It also gets to go at high speed, and since its only goal is to transport the organ, there are no delays. The dron has already been successfully tested and the organ was in good conditions to be used.


1st of May, 2019


The technology it's evolving. Years ago there was no way a dron could be used to transport an organ and a lot of people lost their second organ because of delays. By having created this dron the percentage of people who lose an organ decreases, which is great news. The organ arrives faster, without delay and the dron makes sure it's preserved at the optimal conditions. It sure has been a really important innovation. Technology keeps evolving faster and faster, and when it's used for good it's really useful and gives you a lot to think: we really have made a lot of steps since we got out of the cave.

None needed

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