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viernes, 10 de mayo de 2019

Notícia 11: Una extranya i sorprenentment bonica serp de tres ull descoberta a Australia - Victor Garcia

- Heading:

Rare And Surprisingly Cute Three-Eyed Snake Discovered In Australia

- Summary:
    In a Northern Territory of Australia, an approximately 40 cm long three-eyed snake was found by the rangers of the Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife. They found the snake last March but passed away one week earlier from when this new was being written. It passed away, despite not being older than approximately three months, because it struggled to feed, though it survived a lot of time in the wild. The dead body of the snake was donated science.
A picture of the three eyed snake
    The malformation of the snake was developed during the embryonic state of the being. Scientists thought at first that the malformation was a fusion of two different skulls in a single one leaving the third eye socket. But, after what an X-ray test in the snake showed, scientists confirmed that t*he malformation was only because an additional eye socket appeared in the skull, and then the snake developed three functional eyes.

    In conclusion, this three-eyed snake hasn't been malformed from environmental factors, indeed, malformed reptiles are relatively common as there have already appeared some two-headed snakes in the environment.

- Link or reference:
- Publication date: May 1st 2019
- Scientific field: Animals
- Glossary:
None needed

- Text commentary:
    I chose to comment this new because it makes me feel interested and intrigued about how random is sometimes the nature, as the new said that malformed reptiles were relatively common. It made feel a bit sad after I read that the snake died, because it had survived a lot of time in the wild despite its deformity. It was nice of them to donate its body to science as this type of malformation was so rare.

    Even though the third eye malformation wasn't caused by environment being polluted, there surely are many malformations, not only in animals, humans too, that are caused by the new environment human beings are creating with their pollution and radiation.

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